Monday, May 10, 2010

We made it!!

After a 4 am wake-up call, 8 hour car drive, 40 minute ferry boat, and 1 hr boat drive the Cyr family arrived at Malibu Club in beautiful British Columbia this evening. Phew!

In the last two weeks we have had the flu, colds, injury, last days of preschool, the Eugene marathon, packed up everything we own, said "goodbye" to Jackson our dog and friends and family and yet somehow our eyelids are still open. We aren't exactly sure how, but by the grace God gives us everyday to tackle life with zeal and verve.

Today marks the first day of our new adventure and we are so excited. Not only is it the first day of our time here at Malibu for summer 2010, but it was the first time it only took a minute and a half to cross the Canadian border - with a cat and a trailer attached we couldn't believe it! It was also a first day to try something new in the kitchen as our friend Sharon served us some dragon fruit - so tasty. Our kiddos were superstars through it all and we are so proud of them.

Much love to everyone following us in our adventure. We can't wait to share it with you!

The Cyr's

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