Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Joy of Fall

Fall is our favorite season. Swirls of red, green, orange and yellow leaves dancing on Union St. Chai tea latte's from the Met and the use of pumpkin in every recipe from turkey chili to bundt cake to oatmeal can't be beat. We have been filled with Joy in our home these last two months, despite fighting off various forms of bugs and sickness. We hope you are enjoying the sights and smells this season offers. With that, an update from the family.

Madeline loves her preschool friends and teachers and looks forward to pointing out "my school" whenever we drive by. She has been successfully working on her potty training and loves wearing her princess panties. We might go through 5 pairs in a day, but only because she wants to wear a new princess at different times of day. It's as though princess beauty, belle, and ariel need equal wearing time!

Ryder is sleeping well and growing so fast. He loves to giggle and coo. He affectionately loves his mama and his mama loves her little angel. Already outgrowing his 3-6 month clothes Matt is hoping it will be a good predictor for a future in Gig Harbor Basketball.

Matt boldly tackled the Halloween pumpkin this year making Maddie a princess Jasmine masterpiece. With a little coaching and encouragement he created a beautiful pumpkin that we proudly displayed for many nights, candle and all.

Julie began training at the YMCA this month and loves being back at work in some capacity. She is starting up a mom's running group on the weekends in Tacoma to provide an opportunity for women to gather and participate in a social run with an opportunity to join up for coffee/brunch afterwards. And is happy to be experimenting with the wide variety of root vegetables that come in their CSA. Beet bundt cake anyone?!

Check back in soon. We love our family and friends and are Thankful for the many blessings in our lives. Our joy is made complete in the loving relationships we have.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Back in the running

Here we are almost one year later. Wow...time truly does fly. After watching Julie & Julia for a much needed date night, a renewed sense of commitment to keeping friends and family in the loop of our lives felt overdue.

So, we begin with introducing our little boy Ryder James Cyr. Born August 6, 2009 at Tacoma General he weighed in at 7lb. 10oz and was 19" in length - identical to his "Big Sister" Maddie. After several weeks of adjustment she is learning to love her little brother and helps mommy with his diaper changes and comfort. Mom is navigating life with a newborn again. It feels as though someone passed the football off to her and she just keeps running through life. Crazy times.

Recent highlights from August/September:
Ryder is born
Julie celebrates Hilhi's 10year Reunion
Katie Cyr marries John Stuen
Family trip to Malibu Camp, Canada
Julie's girl trip to Phoenix, AZ
Maddie begins preschool and ballet lessons
Cousin Kiley Rain turns 1!
Aunt Jillian is expecting baby #2

Stay tuned...more to come!