Monday, August 2, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Ryder's ready for the Annual Green Jacket Tournament!

"My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams," Mr. Plumbean said.

~The Big Orange Splot, by Daniel Manus Pinkwater

I'm learning a lot about what the phrase "there's no place like home" means to me. It's easy to believe that home is the place where we grew up. Whether it's a specific town, house, or familiar room inside that house. But it's more than that. It's about the atmosphere and feel of the places that we currently reside in. For our family we currently live in an old wooden home that has musty carpets, a rolling dishwasher, and frisbee golfers patrolling our back windows for lost discs. If we want to go somewhere we walk, take a boat, or on the rare occasion a sea plane. We love it. I wouldn't change our experience here at Malibu for anything. My kids are richer for having made new friends from all over the world. I have personally grown to love the freedom of taking walks along the beach with my daughter to look for treasure and run up and down the boardwalks saying hello to new friends we meet.

It doesn't mean that at times I don't want to click my heels three times and be back in Gig Harbor at Matt's parents house leaving peanut shells on the tree for squirrels or giving the horses licorice sticks. Or be sitting around the table at my grandparents house eating berry cobbler and the World's Best potato salad with my family. Not to mention sharing in the company of the friends we love and miss back in Tacoma.

So, it now appears to me that the responsibility to create a loving, warm, hospitable environment that others want to share in is up to Matt and I. The freedom we feel to call Treehouse our home for a short season in life is a wonderful feeling. Our quaint home that offers us the best of the Canadian wilderness at our fingertips, rest and comfort from a busy world, is a place where our children can take their first steps and partake in some incredible adventures. What a true gift.


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